Adult Life Planning

For parents and guardians of children with autism, the transition from Autism Waiver and school-based services into adult services can feel overwhelming. To ease that transition, Celebrate Ability offers Adult Life Planning for clients ages 14 and up. Adult Life Planners assist parents and caregivers through this transition through the provision of resources and guidance on a host of critical topics including:
• Guardianship
• DDA Waivers and Services
• Social Security
• State Funded Programs
• Creating a Circle of Support
• ABLE Accounts
At the initial stages, Adult Life Planners collaborate with the client and their “Circle of Support,” to create a person-centered plan based on the client’s strengths and needs. As the client works toward developing skills, the ALP provider advises the family and client on how to access services and supports through the appropriate state and local agencies and connects the family with wrap-around supports to ensure the client’s success and maximum independence in adulthood.