Self-directed services are a service delivery option for people who wish to exercise more choice, control, and authority over their supports. Self-direction offers participants or appointed representatives a greater voice in choosing the services they receive, how they receive them, and who provides them. Celebrate Independence provides the services of Community Development Services, Personal Supports, Personal Supports-Enhanced, Family Caregiver Training and Empowerment Services, and Respite.
Personal Supports support individuals in accessing those opportunities to live their best life. The service is specific to the individual and is based on what they want for their life. (Personal Supports Enhanced is the same service provided to individuals who have an HRST score of 4 or above).
Family Caregiver Training and Empowerment Services provide education and support to the unpaid family caregiver of a participant. Services can include education and training specific to the caregiver that will bolster confidence and promote the participant’s agency.
Community Development Services provides individuals with developing and maintaining skills related to community membership. This is accomplished through engagement in community-based activities with people without disabilities.
Respite is intended to provide both the family and the individual with a break from their daily routines. Respite relieves families from their daily caregiving responsibilities, while providing the individual with new opportunities, experiences, and facilitates self-determination.